Still waiting for my first visitor ......which begs the question 'why do I bother?' And a very good question it is too! Why indeed? Well, basically, I suppose I don't really care if anyone reads my drivel or not, the point is that it's thoughts, my! I'm there! And that is all the reason I need.
Or is it?
Ten years ago blogging was in it's infancy. Now there are God knows how many blogs published every day (I've no doubt the stats are there somewhere but I'll leave that mundane digging to some other anorak) and I cannot help but wonder what did all the bloggers do before blogging existed? I mean, I know what I thoughts used to go down in badly cornered notebooks, most of which disappeared, swallowed by time and forgetfullness. But what about the rest of them? What did they do?
And even now I wonder how many bloggers find the time not only to pen their thoughts and opinions, but to do the research and reading necessary to write a factually correct blog (yeah, yeah, I know many do not read, research or worry about their facts being correct....but many do!) ....replies on a postcard please labelled 'what I did before my blog!' The most original idea gets a picture of my dog autographed by the canine herself ...(Lola has always secretly hankered after the limelight) ... and for something truly original she might even add a 'woof' or two!
For myself, it can take the best part of several hours getting my fingers to tap out the motley procession of letters and that is without the time needed to research an idea. Oh!.... to be a free-form writer, words spilling onto the page (screen?) like so much spilled milk, spreading across the page in a tsunami of fluid prose and faultless grammar, the fingers of the typist exhibiting stamina, dexterity and independence so that the words seem to drop, thoughtlessly, seemlessly, onto the page in an order that implores further investigation.
But for such luck! I slog over my blog,
Sweating and pawing, a literary hog,
As I stress and I worry,
What should I say on my page today?
What subject shall I broach?
My ideas beyond reproach....
I must go the whole hog.
Not fear getting stuck in a bog,
For I have opinions to flavour and to curry
But what should I say on my page today?
There's no need to encroach
Mine is not to be poached.
As I slog and I slog,
Over my blog like a dog,
My heads in a mess, nothing comes in a hurry
About what I should say on my page today?
"Many are dead. A crash with a coach..."
"Disease can be spread by a new type of roach..."
And I slog and I slog,
As I ponder my blog,
And I stress and I worry,
Tell me, what should I say on my page today?
So, what on earth should I write about next?
Choice is a funny thing, don't you find? Too much choice makes the very act of choosing a trial. And let's face it...the world is fucked up...there is no shortage of subject areas for would-be and paid up bloggers to blather on about. Yet with too little choice one runs the risk of drying up one's (few) ideas or worse yet, drying up one's words! I don't see myself as any sort of radical. At heart I'm a true liberal (not politically, but morally and emotionally) and liberals find it hard to get overheated about anything other a scalding hot bath! The truth being that liberals are invariably empathetic (if not always understanding) towards any counter-arguments and with the empathy often comes a certain tranquility - not a bad thing in 21st century Europe, I might add - and with the tranquility comes a degree of watchfullness. Do you follow the train? We sit back, we observe and we do not, under circumstances, rock the bloody boat! We ( the liberals) like to live and let live, and as such, to demonstrate radicalism goes entirely against the grain, begging the question (once again) why do I bother (to write a blog)? People want controversy, gossip and (dis?)agreeable opinions strained through a net of enmeshed political insightfullness and witty repartee, none of which I possess. Though, in my darker moments (of which there are relatively few, thank the stars) I can admit to a smidgen of jealousy of those endowed with a Noel Coward/Oscar Wilde type of wit that I find so sadly lacking in much of today's media and even more sadly, lacking in myself!
Tragic innit?
And all of which rather nicely brings me back to the original question - why do I bother?
Well, here's the thing. I may well be a wit-free liberal, lightly dusted with insecurities and void of interesting ideas on a daily basis..... but that doesn't mean that I haven't got something to say. I shall persevere and continue to slog, racking my brains for opinions and thoughts because I enjoy having my say, whether anyone reads it or not!
Have a nice weekend and I'll be back next week with more baseless opinions and comments!!!
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