Here's a couple of short videos for you.....I should explain perhaps.....I shot these 2 days ago when I rode up close to Andilla and the area where the fires were at their worst and where, apparently, they started. The videos were shot from my bike as I cycled back down the mountain hence they are a bit shaky and the wind noise is a bit loud so I suggest you mute the sound! I did try to do a voiceover but the mic on my little camera is plainly not up to the job and you can't really hear me apart from the odd word or two!! @What a blessing,' I hear you say!!!
Video 1. (above) I cycled up to the last roundabout before Andilla where the fire had ravaged almost everything. There were odd fields and low lying areas with little vegetation that had survived probably because there was nothing to burn, but as I pedal back down the mountain you'll see that it all resembles a war zone. There were no craters or dead bodies but it was as if the fires of hell had swept over the landscape. It was all very upsetting and will never be the same.
Video 2. It's quite tricky to cycle and film at the same time so my camera work is a bit shaky but even allowing for my less-than Oscar winning performance the images speak for themselves.
Video 3. To see the forests destroyed like this is a tragedy. Nuff said!
Back soon with more
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